BedoukianBio Now Offers a Pheromone to Help Protect Coniferous Trees

BedoukianBio, the leader in pheromone and semiochemical technical grade active ingredient registrations in the US, is excited to announce the addition of a new pheromone in its forestry semiochemical portfolio. (Z)-13-Hexadecen-11-yn-1-ol acetate (BRI #P6300-95) is now available for use in lures, traps and monitoring products for the pine processionary moth.

According to Forest Research of Great Britain, pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) larvae, or caterpillars, are a serious threat to pine and other coniferous trees.  The larvae feed on the needles of the pine trees and in high populations, can cause severe defoliation.   This can weaken the trees making them vulnerable to diseases, other pests, drought and less able to tolerate environmental stressors. 

In additional to the devastation the pine processionary moth caterpillars can bring to forests, they are also harmful to animals and humans.  The caterpillars have tiny hairs which contain an irritating protein.  If these hairs come into contact with people or animals, they can cause skin, eye and throat irritations and rashes that are painful.

The pine processionary moth is native to Southern Europe, North Africa and parts of the Middle East, but has been extending its range northwards.

BedoukianBio’s new pheromone, (Z)-13-Hexadecen-11-yn-1-ol acetate (CAS #78617-58-0, BRI #P6300-95), a sex pheromone of the pine processionary moth, is an effective attractant of adult moths that can be used for monitoring pest populations. 

David Bedoukian, Vice President of Sales for BedoukianBio, commented, “We are very excited about our pine processionary moth pheromone.  It can be an important integrated pest management tool for this devastating pest.”  David continued, “We are confident that BedoukianBio’s pine processionary moth pheromone is a cost-effective solution that will help protect forests around the world.”