BedoukianBio Offers Customers Helpful New Features on a New Website

Bedoukian Research Inc.’s pheromone business, BedoukianBio, launched a brand-new website with new features designed to help its base of current customers as well as prospective new customers.

The new website,, was launched in early-January.  It has a new look, navigation, content areas and the home page features an engaging video.  More importantly are some of the tools that have been added to the site.

One of the most significant new site features is the brand-new interactive catalog.  This i-Catalog helps users easily identify products that will meet their needs.  While there has always been a database associated with the site, it mostly helps the user find information relating to a product they already have researched.  The i-Catalog helps the user find a product based upon a variety of criteria including pest type, plan type and more.  Links to the i-Catalog can be found on the one of the large buttons on the home page as well as in the drop-down menu for Resource.  There are also text hyperlinks on various pages on the site. now also offers the ability to order products online.  The new Product Quote feature lets the user select the product, the quantity and communicate shipping information.  A Bedoukian customer service representative will then reach out to confirm the order and to arrange payment so the user does not have to be concerned about the security of billing information entered online.  Links to the Product Quote feature can be found on the one of the large buttons on the home page as well as in the drop-down menu for Contact.  There are also text hyperlinks on various pages on the site.

The i-Catalog and the Product Quote features are integrated with each other.  The online product database has also been re-engineered and that will allow for additional database features in the coming months. also presents information on the company, news articles, industry events, and even an interactive service territory map that identifies the sales person by country.  Everything is designed to make the experience easier for customers to find what they need.   

David Bedoukian, the VP of Sales and Marketing, commented, “We are very excited about the new  It gives our customers new tools and helps us retain our leadership position in the pheromone supply industry.”    David continued, “We have always been a leader in product innovation.  We are so happy to now offer a similarly innovative website to help our customers learn about and order our pheromones for their needs.”